
writing · 19. January 2025
I often think about how hard it is to "make it" as an artist--as any kind of artist, and what we tell ourselves about why that is. There are a lot of factors, including who you know, cracking the algorithms and "success formulas," previous accolades, money, and pure luck. But I think our biggest challenge is both a frustrating and encouraging thing about being an artist today--there's just too many of us. I'm a Millennial, so I can't speak for GenX, but I know my generation and every one after...
writing · 23. June 2023
Best Writer's Block Advice I've Ever Seen
My favorite book about being a creative person (that I've read so far, anyway), is Coaching the Artist Within by Eric Maisel. It's almost 25 years old, which makes me feel ancient, but the perspective in here in pretty timeless, and ever since I read this book fresh out of college, I haven't had writer's block since. I'm serious, I haven't. Maisel gets to the heart of most writer's block, which is the underlying feeling that what you are doing doesn't matter. If you don't have the greatest...